New York, New York! A Crazy Weekend in the Big Apple

A weekend in New York, not relaxing but spectacular. From Time Square to the Statue of Liberty, the immense skyscrapers of this fabulous city will dazzle you.


Stephane Leblanc

3/17/20243 min read

ville de New-York, statu de la liberté, Times Square,  Edge NYC
ville de New-York, statu de la liberté, Times Square,  Edge NYC

Road Trip New York!

We've barely returned from our crazy New York getaway when memories are already flooding into our slightly scorched heads! This 3-day road trip to soak up the electric atmosphere of the “City that never sleeps” will remain engraved in our memories. One thing is certain, we haven't been idle! Let me tell you about these 72 hours of madness at 200 miles an hour!

A Cozy Pied-à-Terre on the Jersey City Side

For this 100% urban trip, we opted for a nice Airbnb in Jersey City, on the other side of the Hudson River. Once we have settled our suitcases in this charming apartment, we are ready for adventure! New York is only 30 minutes away thanks to the ferry which connects the two banks and offers a breathtaking view of the famous skyline.

Exhilarating First Contact with Manhattan

After crossing the majestic Hudson River, you're guaranteed a visual shock when you land on the docks of Manhattan! You'd think you'd stepped into one of those legendary Hollywood films with its dizzying buildings, its incessant hustle and bustle and its deafening hubbub. Our heads tilt 90 degrees to better admire these giants of glass and steel.

The first contact turns out to be exhilarating! Time to acclimatize to this excited atmosphere, we already get lost in the lively streets in search of an unmissable first address. After a few hours of walking, we arrive at... Time Square! The cult place not to be missed under any circumstances with its crazy advertising panels that attack us from all sides.

So many lights, people, screams and deafening music! Our amazed eyes struggle to grasp everything at once. A real shock for the senses in this concentration of urban agitation at its peak. To celebrate this first visual shock, a typical American dinner is a must at the Hard Rock Cafe!

Assault on Skyscraper Edge

The next day, rested but still in shock from this first wave of stimulation, we decide to take it easy and appreciate the city from another angle. Head to Edge NYC, this famous observation platform culminating at almost 350 meters! A shiver runs through us when our feet tread this glass promontory at the end of this futuristic tower.

Equipped with our passes, we access a dizzying view of the bay, from the rooftops to the distant maritime horizon. A breathtaking panorama that is worth the trip alone! Our instinct for frank tourist camaraderie pushes us to multiply the eternal souvenir photos to immortalize the moment.

The Wall Street District, Den of Finance

In the afternoon, we dive into the legendary financial district of Wall Street, a symbolic center of American economic power. Strolling between the majestic patrician buildings that line the wide avenues, you feel the aura of prosperity that emanates from them.

Until coming face to face with the emblematic bronze sculpture of the Charging Bull! This massive 3-ton bull sits proudly, ready to charge headlong. Obviously, it's the unmissable photo session where everyone comes to pose alongside them in the craziest postures. A must to bring back a memorable souvenir!

Trip to the bustling Chinatown

Further on, it's the sensational entry into the lively Chinatown which submerges us in a completely different exotic and colorful atmosphere. After strolling between the typical food stalls and the colorful signs with calligraphic writing, a comforting stop is in order on a small terrace.

During a soothing break, we enjoy a delicious cocktail. A real breath of invigorating air in the very heart of this urban anthill! Afterwards, another coveted gem awaits us on the other side of Chinatown: the magical atmosphere of a famous wizard!

Floo Powder in Wizard's Alley

With true Harry Potter fans in our ranks, how can we resist the call of the legendary Quidditch store dedicated to the world of apprentice sorcerers? As soon as we enter the doors of this New York temple of magic, we are propelled into another world!

Toys, books, costumes, accessories, everything exudes the famous saga. Witchcraft classes led by robed mages draw visitors into an atmosphere of permanent wonder. In the end, in addition to a few heavy purchases, it is also the souls of intoxicated children who leave this extraordinary store!

The Sentinel of Liberty to Conclude

What would a trip to NYC be without setting sail towards the iconic Statue of Liberty? To end this urban escape in style, we duly booked our cruise aboard a maritime shuttle. As he approaches, the famous iron lady stands, proud and imperturbable guardian of the place.

From this close, its imposing silhouette of 46 meters and its new torch

Vue de New-York
Vue de New-York
Vue de nuit de New-York City
Vue de nuit de New-York City