The Yucatan, my first trip to Mexico

Blog about my first trip to the Yucatan in Mexico, Our route, starting from the city of Mérida and ending in the city of Cancun, passing through Chichen Itza, all our favorites.


Stéphane Leblanc

3/14/20241 min read

Mexique, Yucatan, Pyramide Maya
Mexique, Yucatan, Pyramide Maya

My baptism as a traveler in the heart of the Yucatan

It was with stars in my eyes that I made my first big trip to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Lulled by stories of mysterious Mayan cities and dream beaches, I was just waiting for that to go on an adventure.

My journey began with Mérida, the capital of the state of Yucatan. From the first steps in the historic center, I was captivated by the colonial charm of this lively city, with its beautiful, brightly colored residences and its typical squares where it is good to stroll. Between two visits to major archaeological sites like Chichen Itza, one of the new wonders of the world, I soaked up the local atmosphere by enjoying delicious pibil tacos in small roadside restaurants.

After this first cultural stopover, head to the coast and the seaside resorts. In Progreso, I got a taste of the beautiful sandy beaches and turquoise sea that awaited me even further south. Arriving in Quintana Roo, I first went to Bacalar, a true corner of earthly paradise around its lagoons with crystal clear waters where it is good to relax.

Then I continued my journey to the famous Tulum and finally Cancun. If the first charmed me with its spiritual side, the second rather disorientated me with its ultra-lively seaside resort atmosphere.

In the end, this initiatory journey fulfilled me on all levels. I was able to satisfy my cultural curiosity and my thirst for nature at the same time. I also discovered the generosity and joy of living of the Mexicans who welcomed me with open arms. One thing is certain, this first experience in the Yucatan will remain engraved in my memory as a real trigger for the passion for travel which has not left me since!